Faith Bible Fellowship partners with the following ministries and faith-based organizations.
We send toys, sundries, and toiletries to children in poverty worldwide as part of Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child .
We support Choices Resource Center's crisis counseling services through the Walk for Life, Bottles for Babies, and Amazon Smile.
We support SIM missionaries Steve and Ruth Porter bringing the Gospel, training leaders, and providing dental care to rural Nigeria.
Hrvoje and Petra Malovic share the Gospel and train Christian leaders in Croatia. We support them through Cru's global missions.
Additional Outreach and Missions Activities
Faith Bible Fellowship has a long history of involvement with community outreach and global missions. Here are a few more examples of how Faith Bible Fellowship and its members ministry programs and missions Faith Bible Fellowship has supported in recent years:
- Prison Fellowship's Angel Tree Christmas Program
- Jay and Judy Francis, SEND International missionaries to the Ukraine
- Bible studies and toiletries for NHC Healthcare and Greenfield Senior Living residents